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Pembuatan Tanggul Sisi Utara Pulau Sebira
photo Anita Karyati -

Embankment Construction on North Side of Sebira Island Reaches 85 Percent

The embankment construction located on the north side of Sebira Island, RT 04/03, Harapan Island, North Seribu Islands keeps being accelerated.

It aims to protect the mainland from the threat of tidal waves and abrasion

Until now, the embankment, which is being built 174 meters long has touched 85 percent completion and is targeted for completion in the first weekend of June 2023.

Seribu Islands SDA Sub-agency Head, Hendri stated the embankment construction has been developed since May 22 by involing five workers every day.

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"It aims to protect the mainland from the threat of tidal waves and abrasion," he expressed, Tuesday (6/6).

It is also a follow-up to the aspirations of the residents that were conveyed during the musrenbang forum. It is carried out manually using massive cube rafts arranged 1.5 meters high and 90 centimeters wide.

Hopefully, it could make people more safe and comfortable. "Currently, the progress has reached 85 percent, just casting," he stated.

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